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An image at golden hour sunset on-campus at Ohio University

We are Ohio University faculty opposed to unionization.

As faculty, we hold the pursuit of truth above all else. When it comes to the United Academics of Ohio University's (UAOU) campaign for a union, we've discovered far too many half-truths or outright falsehoods. 


We present this site so that every faculty at Ohio University can make an educated and informed decision about the union vote. 

Union Fact Checks

The unionization campaign is rife with factually dishonest claims and statements. Learn the truth, from verifiable sources and cites - not opinions of politically motivated organizers.

An image of the Research and Technology Center on Ohio University's campus at golden hour.
An image of Cutler Hall on Ohio University's Campus.

Financial & Compensation

Learn more about the financial impact a union could have on your earnings. Compare the cost of a union to the benefits that have been delivered at other public Ohio universities.


Understand how unions affect teaching loads, class sizes, tenure, and more. All negotiations that a bargaining unit would engage in would have impacts, potentially severely negative.


We agree completely that academic freedom and culture on campus are critical to not only our roles but is what makes Ohio University special. A union puts this freedom at risk.

Your dues will support national union leaders' six-figure salaries and first class flights.

We aren't anti-union, we're anti-this union.

Your vote should be about the facts and what you believe is in you and your family's own best interests. This is too important a decision to be left up to one-sided half-truths supported by national organizations with ulterior motives. In fact, the UAOU organizers took the bulk of their website content from the AAUP/AFT national organization as it's verbatim what others unionization efforts posted (like Miami FAM).


A vote against the UAOU union does not mean you don't support organized labor elsewhere. Nor does it mean we agree with the administration of Ohio University and everything it has done over the years.


But let's be clear: UAOU is in it to support a national movement, not the faculty, not the students, and certainly not the communities we live in. 


There are no do-overs. A negotiation will start us at square one: sick day accrual, teaching loads, overload compensation, salary increases, and everything else will start at the bottom. Should we really risk that?

42% of CSU-AAUP dues go to the National & State AAUP organizations. 22% more goes to course release buyouts for union leaders.

UAOU would rather your money leave Athens and allow them less teaching,
than support our community. 

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